Harvest Week 🍒

Harvest Week 🍒
Cherry harvest 2024

Not a bad week here in Sweden. Weather was kinda perfect everyday, our cherry tree was ready to harvest, and we made some new 4 legged friends in the neighborhood.

While we were picking, a brand new face came running up to us. I think she was cautious for all of around 3 seconds. As soon as I crouched down, she came trotting over. She's so small and soft, and very cuddly. We found out from a neighbor where she's from and that her name is Doris. She isn't ours.. but we sure are Doris fans now. I hope she comes around often.

The next day actually, I saw her stalking something in the yard across from ours, and I figured she was probably after a bird or mouse, but turns out no! She found a small bit of wildlife I didn't even know we had around here. Google says this is a European Hedgehog. He was also super chill. Just kinda exploring around. I think he knew the little kitty stalking him was no danger and he just kinda bumbled around the in the grass for a little while. I just missed getting a video of it, but when he came over the top of this log, he kinda splatted on his booty. I do wish I had gotten that. I would have been extra good since my camera was accidentally set to film in slow motion.

Short entry this week. Noting really huge or bad happened. All but one other person on my team at work in on vacation for a month, so not a lot going on there. We have a friend coming to visit for a day from Stockholm which will be nice since we don't know a lot of people and don't get too many visitors.

Have a nice week! 🌞

🎧 - Relaxing music for a Summer Saturday