Mindfulness and Crashing 🧠

Mindfulness and Crashing 🧠
Walking through VΓ€sterΓ₯s

Had a bit of an up and down week this week.

I've been trying to specifically remind myself this week to slow down, be present, and relax. I think it is fairly well known that mindfulness will work best when you practice all the time. It's not just squeezing in 5 minutes of meditation between other busy tasks. I have a morning routine that involves taking care of myself. Making coffee, taking meds, stuff like that. It also involve taking care of Leon. Checking his blood sugar, preparing his breakfast, and giving him an insulin shot as needed. Tasks that aren't very difficult so it is easy to let your mind wander, and worry about the day. So I've been doing my best to slow down, pay attention to every task and try to enjoy as much as I can.

On the other side, I had one of my first severe sugar crashes this week.

A few nights ago, I was just kinda feeling bad. Not super awful, but just kinda bad. I didn't think too much of it, but over the next hours or so it starting being really terrible. My heart rate spiked up, I had a small headache, and I was shaking. It's not the first low I've had, but is was the most sudden and severe I'd say. The thing that was different about this one, was that I got low enough to actually experience some confusion. Sort of like you hear about hypoxic people, kinda laughing and carrying on because they don't really know about the danger they are in. This is how I felt. I didn't make the connection that I was having a low for a while. Probably only an hour or so, but long enough that I should have connected the dots between the symptoms and cause. Very strange feeling.

In the end, Alex got me some sugar water and some candy and after about 20 minutes I felt pretty normal. At least a low is a fun problem to solve. πŸ˜„ 🍬

So... stay present and have a good week! πŸ˜„

🎧 - No music today. Just writing.