Leon the Sugar Baby 💉

Leon the Sugar Baby 💉

Leon was diagnosed with diabetes in 2021 in August I think. We immediately changed up his diet and feeding schedule. Started checking his blood sugar in 12 hour intervals, and injecting insulin as needed.

This was a lot of effort but obviously our boy is worth all of it. After a several months of this solid routine he was actually able to go into remission where we didn't have to check or poke him anymore. We noticed last month that he had started using the the litter box much more, up to around 6 times a day which is a good indicator, he's drinking a lot more and peeing a lot more. We took him back to the vet and sure enough, he's back to being a sugar baby.

So here we go with round 2. Getting back into the routine of wake up, check sugar, feed, and insulin as needed. Recording everything in his little kitty book.

I feel confident that since we're jumping on this early, and getting things taken care of we can nudge him back into remission again. You got this Leon!